Construction on Phase One of Melbourne Hill Road Drainage Upgrade is Set to Begin

7 Jun 2023
Liveable Places and Spaces Yarra Ward Warrandyte

We are excited to announce that construction for phase one of the Melbourne Hill Road Drainage Upgrade project is set to begin in mid-June 2023. The project is part of the 2023/24 Capital Works Program and will improve road conditions and reduce the risk of flooding by better directing storm water into underground drains.

We’re grateful for the valuable insights and feedback from the successful Community Information Sessions, most recently held in April 2023, that has contributed to the smooth progress of the project.

Phase one of construction

Our package of early works will include:

  • Site set up, locating underground services and surveying
  • Implementation of traffic management and environmental management plan
  • Installation of the upgraded drainage system, which will start in July

As part of the project, some trees and vegetation will be removed. However, we are committed to preserving the area's character and minimising the impact on roadside vegetation. Replanting will be undertaken, wherever possible.

Temporary road closures

Temporary road closures may be necessary but detour signage and traffic management measures will be implemented to maintain traffic flow. Residents near construction areas may experience temporary access restrictions, typically lasting no longer than one to two days and will be contacted directly if they are affected. Emergency access to residential properties, will always be provided.

Our Appointed Contractor

Kalow Holdings, an experienced contractor, has been appointed to undertake the construction at Melbourne Hill and Houghton Road Reserve.


We expect phase one construction to take around five months, depending on weather conditions and site complexities. We will make efforts to minimise any inconvenience during this period.

The Melbourne Hill Road Drainage Upgrade project represents a significant improvement in local infrastructure, creating a safer and more sustainable future for our residents. With community support, this project will bring positive and lasting changes to the area.

Visit Your Say Manningham to find out more.