COVID-19: Message from our Mayor and Councillors

8 Apr 2020
Well Governed Council

Our community continues to feel the impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) and its effects on many aspects of our daily lives. This has created enormous challenges for all of us as we explore the best ways to protect the health and wellbeing of our community and family.

This is our first digital edition of Manningham Matters as we wanted to have a way of providing you with the most up to date Council news including changes to our services and facilities during this time.

We all have a role in slowing down the spread of this virus so please continue to follow good personal hygiene and social distancing practices and to stay home where you can. The situation is continually changing, so we are following advice from the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). You can find more information at

In Manningham, we’re taking action to help contain the spread of the virus and reduce the risk to the health of our community, and have implemented a range of crisis management plans.

We are acutely aware of the emerging financial impact this rapidly changing situation is having throughout the community and know that it will continue to evolve and put pressure on everyone in the months to come. Council will be considering ways to support residents, business and organisations at the April Council meeting and I will update you all on this as soon as possible after the meeting.

I know tough times bring out the best in our community and we are seeing many great examples of this. We would like to thank all of the groups who have proactively cancelled or rescheduled their events, or better still, have found new ways to deliver services in this changing time. We are also all incredibly grateful to those across the medical sector and other essential services, who are working tirelessly to support our community.

As we face the challenges and impacts of COVID-19 in our community, I encourage everyone to look out for your neighbours and local community and continue practising good hygiene to stay safe, healthy and well in Manningham.

If you haven’t already, I encourage you to subscribe to Manningham Matters and receive future editions and updates on what’s happening locally, straight to your inbox.

Stay safe and well.

Cr Paul McLeish