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Media Releases

Manningham is taking part in the cleaning and sanitisation blitz that’s happening across Victoria. Teams employed...
Healthy Community
Manningham Matters May 6 home support worker
While all of our daily lives have been affected by the ongoing restrictions and new social rules during this new time...
Healthy Community
generic images by stephanie gall
Manningham Council is calling for ward name suggestions before Thursday 21 May as it gets set to move to a new nine ward...
Well Governed Council
Newly planted tree and playground
We have upgraded four play areas in parks across Manningham, ready for you to enjoy with your children and families now...
Liveable Places and Spaces
artist's impression of Pettys Reserve upgrade soccer pitches
Manningham soccer clubs will soon have a new home-field advantage, as the $8.6 million upgrade to improve the recreation...
Liveable Places and Spaces
Manningham Matters May 6 home exercise
While all sporting clubs in Manningham are currently closed, there are plenty of ways for people to still get active...
Healthy Community
Manningham Matters Doncare donations
Doncare is seeking donations of food and household items so it can keep maintaining the health and wellbeing of people...
Healthy Community
generic images by stephanie gall
Manningham Council is lighting the way to energy savings, with a program to replace decorative street lights with more...
Well Governed Council
generic images by stephanie gall
We are aware of the continuing social, emotional and financial impact Coronavirus (COVID-19) is having on our community...
Well Governed Council