Manningham youth services is a community youth service aimed at improving the health and wellbeing of all young people in the local area. Below are a list of local services we support or provide.
Ahead of National Recycling Week join Precious Plastic Melbourne to gain an overview of the different types of plastic in circulation, their recyclability and usage. ...
Ahead of National Recycling Week, join Precious Plastic Melbourne to gain an overview of the different types of plastic in circulation, their recyclability and usage.
Learn about some of the challenges of recycling certain plastic materials, and understand the complexity that exists at a local area level.
This session will help you identify different plastic types with ease and confidence and understand what can be done with them.
Support is available at every stage of your child’s life and development.
The Health and Wellbeing Strategy outlines how we will continue to work with our community and partner organisations to ensure our residents are healthy, safe, resilient, connected and included. Seven priority areas have been identified to promote a Healthy Community:
- improving social and emotional wellbeing
- increasing healthy eating
- increasing active living
- increasing adaptation to the health impacts from climate change
- reducing injury and harm
- preventing family violence
- increasing connection and engagement of community life.
Find the resources below curated specifically for helping parents, guardians and families.
Find a community
Congratulations on choosing Manningham as your new home.
Manningham prides itself on providing high quality services and a range of lifestyle needs for residents of all ages.
Manningham is located just a short distance from the Melbourne CBD yet you can enjoy a sense of being 'out of the city' thanks to our abundance of green open spaces, scenic outlooks to the ranges, and tranquil walks along our waterways.
It is this unique balance of city and country that makes Manningham such a special place to live.

Welcome to Manningham
We are proud to deliver over 100 different services to our vibrant and diverse community. Here are a few to get you started.

Discover our area, history, and demographics
There’s something for everyone in Manningham. From sacred sites of the area’s First Peoples to the early gold mining settlements, the local area has a bit of everything for you to appreciate and enjoy.

Discover your neighbourhood using our maps
Use our maps to search Manningham, property addresses, wards, healthcare centres and other places of interest.

Find local places and spaces
Explore our local arts, crafts, fashion, food and drink and other recreational activities.

Preparing for emergencies
We are at risk of bushfires, flood and storms and work closely with authorities to plan for and be prepared in an emergency. Keep you and your family safe by being prepared and understanding your risks.

Sign up to Manningham Matters
Stay in touch with everything that is happening at Council and around our community by subscribing to our monthly eNewsletter. Receive the latest news about our essential services, programs, projects and activities, straight to your inbox.
Need help?
Women and girls of all ages and abilities, come and join us at Aquarena for a Beginner Bootcamp session.
Bring a friend with you!
Boot camp is a type of group physical training program. These sessions are designed to build strength and fitness through a variety of exercises.
What to bring: towel and drink bottle.
What to wear: comfortable exercise clothes and closed toe shoes.
Registrations are required.
We are responsible for an extensive network of underground drains that prevent storm-water run-off from impacting property, footpaths and roads.
Check what type of drain you can report and where you can report it.
If unsure, contact us.
You can report the following issues:
- Blocked or flooding storm-water drains.
- Damaged or missing grate covers/pit lids.
- Problems with a connection from a private property into a council drain.
How to report an issue
Prepare the following information before you report:
- The location of the issue.
- The date and time of when the issue occurred.
- Historic details leading up to you reporting this issue.
- Your contact details if you want to be kept updated. Alternatively, you can remain anonymous.
- Other details that will assist us with your specific issue.
You can make a report online, in person or over the phone.
What happens after you have reported an issue?
We'll attend the location and assess the drain.
We'll work to correct the issue.
Report now
Come along and learn from our composting expert at Compost Community how to get started on your composting journey. ...
Are you new to composting? Come along and learn from the experts at Compost Community. They will show you how to get started on your composting journey.
Topics will include:
- choosing a system that suits your lifestyle
- adding organics
- using the finished compost.
The session will cover the three main types of composting – traditional compost, worm farming and bokashi.
View the links below to report an incident or make a request.
Frequently used:
If your request is urgent call us on 9840 9333
Waste and recycling
Property and development
Parking, roads and footpaths
Pets and animals

Make a complaint
Complaints help us improve our policies, practices and the way we deliver our services.

Give us feedback
Your feedback provides us a valuable opportunity to review our policies, practices and the way we deliver our services, and to make changes where necessary.
Losing a pet can often be a very difficult and lonely experience. Not everyone understands the impact such a loss can have and the important role pets play in our lives.
If you, a child, a relative or a friend has lost a pet and feel the need to reach out for support, FOMDAC (Friends of Manningham Dogs and Cats) are hosting a Grief Support Group for anyone who wants to attend.
It can be any type of pet and it doesn’t matter how long ago you lost them. Attendees are encouraged to bring along a photo or a memory to share with the group.
Our goal is to support older adults in our community to live well.
Get in touch with the Healthy Ageing team
Our hours of operation are 8.30am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday.
How we can help
Whether you're an older person, or you care for someone who is, we are here to help you live well.
Our friendly Healthy Ageing team can connect you, and your support networks to:
- access government funded supports and services
- find local clubs and community groups
- navigate My Aged Care
- keep you informed about what is on in Manningham.
Want to stay up to date with what’s happening in Manningham for our older residents, their families, and carers? Join our mailing list and we will reach out to you with updates. Sign up now.

Encouraging positive ageing
Our goal is to create a liveable and harmonious city where people want to grow older in.

Raising dementia awareness
We’re committed to being a dementia friendly city. We recognise that a person with dementia can still be an active member and can still live their best lives

Preventing elder abuse
Everyone has the right to live their lives free from abuse.

Find senior citizens clubs
We have several clubs in Manningham for older adults. The centres and clubs provide social and recreational opportunities for older people.
Looking for help?
Are you or the older person you are caring for in need of the following services:
Vandalism, graffiti and bill posting negatively impact our neighbourhoods and individual properties. Rules exist which prohibit, regulate and control the adverse nature of these activities.
If graffiti or street art is placed on a building or infrastructure without permission of the owner, it's considered illegal and may be removed.
Check what type of graffiti or vandalism you can report and where you can report it.
If unsure, contact us.
What to report
Graffiti on council owned property
- We will remove graffiti from council owned properties, buildings and facilities.
- We will remove graffiti from council owned items such as park furniture, council signs and rubbish bins.
Graffiti on private property or non-council owned property
- For all other private property, it is the owner's responsibility to remove the graffiti.
We will continue to maintain a zero–tolerance approach in managing graffiti with our graffiti removal maintenance program.
The maintenance program identifies and removes graffiti on Council assets.
- You can report vandalism to Victoria Police on 131 444.
How to report an issue
Prepare the following information before you report:
- The location of the issue.
- The date and time of when the issue occurred.
- Summary of what has been damaged
- Photo of the graffiti or vandalism (if possible)
- Historic details leading up to you reporting this issue.
- Your contact details if you'd like an update. Or, you can remain anonymous.
- Other details that will assist us with your specific issue.
Report the issue to us
You can make a report online, in person or over the phone.
What happens after you have reported an issue?
- We will attend the location and determine whether we can assist.
- We may follow up with you to get some further information.
- We will take the appropriate action or find out who can.
Report online
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) aims to manage pests using a mixture of physical, cultural, and biological control methods with low impact chemical being used as a last resort. ...
Gardens are the natural habitat for all types of insects – the good, the bad and the ugly. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) aims to manage pests using a mixture of physical, cultural, and biological control methods with low impact chemical being used as a last resort.
This session will cover:
- an introduction to Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
- being a detective – identifying the culprits
- beneficial insects versus pests
- using barriers and cultural strategies
- when to consider garden chemicals
- an introduction to companion plants to help control garden pests and diseases
- common garden pests and control options
Explore a range of mindfulness and meditation techniques at Doncare's Mind Calm series. ...
Mind Calm will be facilitated by group therapists and is suitable for those who are new to meditation and people who wish to explore or extend their current practice.
- Discover what mind stilling methods work for you.
- Experience mindfulness.
- Learn breathing techniques.
- Practice different types of meditation.
This event has a series of four sessions.
Getting there
Located on Doncaster Road between Westfield and the Manningham Council Civic Centre, MC2 is conveniently accessible by public transport.
There are ample parking spaces on site including 4-hour parking underneath the building. Access to level 1 via the lift or via stairs in the front foyer.
Chaim Reserve links local residents along a sealed path from Craig Road to Chaim Court. From the south side of Chaim Court, residents can gain access into the Mullum Mullum Creek Linear Park. ...
Chaim Reserve links local residents along a sealed path from Craig Road to Chaim Court. From the south side of Chaim Court, residents can gain access into the Mullum Mullum Creek Linear Park.
The Reserve contains remnant vegetation which forms part of the Hillcrest Reserve/ Chaim Court, Biosite 22 in Council’s Healthy Habitats Bushland Management Strategy 2012.
Report an issue
Have you noticed something unsafe like a broken tree branch or damaged playground that needs our attention?
Organising a large event?
Some types of events, such as festivals or school's cross country runs need a special permission to be held on public land.
Recently upgraded and tucked away to best suit local residents, June Reserve has a number of fun climbing activities as well as a slide unit and swing set to entertain children of all ages. Another fun playground for the residents of Templestowe. ...
Recently upgraded and tucked away to best suit local residents, June Reserve has a number of fun climbing activities as well as a slide unit and swing set to entertain children of all ages. Another fun playground for the residents of Templestowe.
Suitable age group: 2 to 6 years
Report an issue
Have you noticed something unsafe like a broken tree branch or damaged playground that needs our attention?
Organising a large event?
Some types of events, such as festivals or school's cross country runs need a special permission to be held on public land.
A range of information, resources and services are available for people with disabilities.

Strengthening disability inclusion in our community
Our Social Planning and Community team work across departments, with Manningham’s libraries and leisure centres to strengthen inclusion of all Manningham residents.
Contributions from those who are interested in disability services and initiatives within Manningham are welcome. Manningham community members who have a disability are also invited to share their experiences to better inform Council policy and practice.

Apply for an accessible parking permit
Find out how to apply for an accessible parking permit and how much it costs

Manningham Disability Advisory Committee
The role of the Disability Advisory Committee (DAC) is to provide Council with direct access to a group of people who have a diverse understanding of living with a disability in Manningham. The Committee is a group of dedicated people who are advocates for increasing disability inclusion in Manningham.

Encouraging inclusive employment
Get advice on inclusive employment, whether you are looking to employ people with disabilities or if you are a person with disability looking for work.

International Day of People with a Disability
International Day of People with a Disability (IDPwD) is held on 3 December each year.
IDPwD is a United Nations sanctioned day that is celebrated internationally. It aims to increase public awareness, understanding and acceptance of people with a disability and celebrate their achievements and contributions.
Services available in Manningham
Use the links below to access local services for people with disability.
For national services, view the Wellbeing support page.

Want to stay up to date with inclusive activities and opportunities?
Our bi-monthly Community Strengthening e-newsletter aims to build resilient and vibrant communities by keeping you informed about programs, services, council projects, opportunities and important news for local community groups and organisations.
Do you need to receive the e-newsletter in another format? Contact us on 9840 9333 or email
Litter is one of our major environmental problems. Litter and littering includes:
- Anything left where it's not meant to be.
- Rubbish and furniture put on roadsides or outside shops (including charity shops).
- Building materials outside of a construction site.
- Rubbish thrown from motor vehicles.
- Cigarette butts.
- Putting household or business rubbish in a public litter bin.
- Advertising material placed under windscreen wipers.
For more information see EPA Victoria.
For information on asbestos visit Asbestos in Victoria.
Check what type of dumped rubbish or litter you can report and where you can report it. If unsure, contact us.
What types of dumped rubbish and litter can you report?
Dumped rubbish
- Neighbour’s hard rubbish left on nature strip (for longer than two weeks).
- Rubbish abandoned on public land (parks, reserves, footpaths).
- Rubbish abandoned on private land (neighbour's property, commercial properties).
- Asbestos
- Cigarette butts
- Syringes
How to report an issue
Prepare the following information before you report:
- The location of the issue.
- The date and time of when the issue occurred.
- Historic details leading up to you reporting this issue.
- Your contact details if you'd like to be updated. Alternatively, you can remain anonymous.
- Other details that will assist us with your specific issue. For example, car registration number of person who littered or type of syringe.
Report the issue to us
You can make a report online, in person or over the phone.
If there is any danger to the public or public space, please call us immediately on 9840 9333.
What happens after you have reported?
We'll send your report to the relevant team who will attend the location to assess the items and take appropriate action.
Report litter from a car or vehicle
If you see someone littering from a vehicle or near the vehicle they are using, you can report to EPA. For more information about reporting litter from vehicles, visit the EPA website.
Report online
For information about how to safely manage, remove or report dumped asbestos visit Asbestos Victoria. To report dumped asbestos, use our online form or contact us.
Explore a range of mindfulness and meditation techniques at Doncare's Mind Calm series. ...
Explore a range of mindfulness and meditation techniques at Doncare's Mind Calm series.
Mind Calm will be facilitated by group therapists and is suitable for those who are new to meditation and people who wish to explore or extend their current practice.
Over four sessions, participants will learn:
- what mind stilling methods work for you
- experience mindfulness
- learn breathing techniques
- practice different types of meditation.
Getting there
Located on Doncaster Road between Westfield and the Manningham Council Civic Centre, MC2 is conveniently accessible by public transport.
There are ample parking spaces on site including 4-hour parking underneath the building. Access to level 1 via the lift or via stairs in the front foyer.
The Manningham Business Network Inc. (MBN) is your local business network that is open to all small and medium businesses in the Manningham area. ...
The theme of this Business Breakfast is "Transform and Grow Your Business".
Attendees will gain an overview from guest speaker David Choi on how business remodelling concepts can be applied to businesses of all types and sizes.
David is a seasoned business transformation expert with a proven track record in leading initiatives across global enterprises, including ASX-listed companies and Fortune 100 firms. He has extensive experience optimising business operations, supply chains, and technology implementations, managing large teams to deliver multibillion-dollar projects with significant ROIs.
The Manningham Business Network Inc. (MBN) is your local business network that is open to all small and medium businesses in the Manningham area.
Clarice Reserve links local Michellan Court residents to Fahey Park. ...
Clarice Reserve links local Michellan Court residents to Fahey Park with a sealed path.
Report an issue
Have you noticed something unsafe like a broken tree branch or damaged playground that needs our attention?
Organising a large event?
Some types of events, such as festivals or school's cross country runs need a special permission to be held on public land.