Maternal and Child Health services

We support families with children aged from birth to school age. Our specialist staff will guide you through your early parenting years to provide free support for your child’s development, growth, nutrition and general wellbeing.

Learn more about Maternal and Child Health Services.

Short term changes to Manningham Maternal and Child Health service delivery

At times, due to COVID-19, flu season and leave coverage, our MCH service may need to temporarily prioritise essential services to the most vulnerable children and families.

Parents or caregivers with significant concerns about missed or delayed MCH appointments should call 9840 9188 for their MCH appointment to proceed.

To reduce risk of spread of infection, we request that families do not attend if parent or child/ children are unwell.

Information for parents with infants and young children relating to MCH services is found at Maternal and child health services - Better Health Channel

You may also contact the 24 hour Maternal and Child Health Line on 13 22 29 or contact your local GP.

Attend a Parenting Seminar

Our parenting seminar series provides parents with the tools to be well informed and involved in their children’s lives.


Other useful resources