
Our Procurement activities must be transparent and ethical with demonstrated integrity, fairness and accountability that meets relevant legal requirements.

Register to view tenders

We use the eTendering Portal, eProcure to advertise and manage all open Tenders, Requests for Quotation and Expression of Interest.

After registration you can:

  • View and/or download full documents for all current and future opportunities.
  • Access tender Q & A forum.
  • Securely submit responses online.

Register now


If you would like to do business with us, there’s a few things to understand about the local government procurement process.

The source of our procurement policy is from the Local Government Act 2020.

Keep in mind that you’re dealing with ratepayers, not shareholders.

Tenders involve:

  • Public money.
  • Legal and value for money basis for decisions.
  • Audits and reviews.

Make sure you:

  • Read the tender or quote carefully and understand all requirements.
  • Respond to questions in the right format.
  • Provide pricing in the correct structure.
  • Submit by the deadline.
  • Make submissions clear and easy to understand.
  • Consider the sustainable outcomes we require.

How to create a great tender

Broadly speaking, we seek:

  • open and fair competition that provides value for money
  • clear guidelines to allow consistency and control
  • demonstrated accountability to our community
  • ethical behaviour
  • the best outcomes for our community.

We’re always looking for suppliers who practice fairness and are also innovative.


What we look for in our suppliers

We seek suppliers who are able to generate and support local businesses (where practicable) and who are committed to generating sustainable benefits (such as social, economic and environmental benefits).

We want them to have certain attributes such as:

  • providing value
  • a history of work in the area
  • the financial capacity to deliver
  • complying with relevant legislation
  • reliability
  • professionalism.

Potentially we’ll ask prospective suppliers about their:

  • qualifications, skills and experience
  • trading history
  • contract history
  • quality management
  • references
  • occupational health and safety
  • equal employment opportunity history
  • environmental management policy
  • risk management policy
  • insurance details.

Remember to only provide the information requested and describe your organisation accurately.

View upcoming tenders

Select the listing below to view details on the upcoming tender opportunity. To receive a notification when you can apply, register as a supplier

Road Restoration - Oban Road, Ringwood North
DescriptionRoad Restoration - Oban Road, Ringwood North
AdvertisingSeptember - October 2024
Manningham Tree and Plant Supply Panel
DescriptionPanel for the supply of trees and plants
AdvertisingSeptember - October 2024
Photography and Videography Panel
DescriptionManningham is looking to establish a Photography and Videography Panel
AdvertisingSeptember 2024

*While every care has been taken in preparing this publication, Manningham Council accepts no responsibility for decisions or actions taken as a result of any data, information, statement, expressed or implied, contained within.

On this page


    • Terms and Conditions for Purchase Orders for Goods
      Terms and Conditions for Purchase Orders for Goods
      18.1 KB
    • Terms and Conditions for Purchase Orders for Services
      Terms and Conditions for Purchase Orders for Services
      20 KB
    • Terms and Conditions for Purchase Orders for Consultancy
      Terms and Conditions for Purchase Orders for Consultancy
      25.32 KB
    • Rapid Global Information
      Rapid Global Information
      329.46 KB
    • Conflict of Interest Policy
      Conflict of Interest Policy
      226.05 KB
    • Procurement Card Policy
      Procurement Card Policy
      330.15 KB