Make a complaint

Make a complaint online.

Read the information below before you make a complaint.

Make a complaint

Complaints help us improve our policies, practices and the way we deliver our services and to make changes where necessary.

We take all complaints seriously and we will work with you to address your complaint in a fair and transparent way.

If you wish, you can make a complaint anonymously.


What types of complaints can you make?

Let us know about:

  • Delays in providing a service.
  • A decision we have made.
  • One of our policies or strategies.
  • Quality of an action we have taken.
  • Conduct of council staff.

How to make a complaint

Make a complaint to us in your preferred way. We will do our best to respond to you via your preferred method.





03 9840 9333

Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 5:00pm

Interpreter service

03 9840 9355


03 9848 3110





Webform or Live chat


Social media

visit us


Visit us or by post


In person:
699 Doncaster Road Doncaster Victoria Australia 3108

By post:
PO Box 1, Doncaster Victoria 3108



Need help? Contact us.

Make a complaint online

1 of 3
Tell us about your complaint

What happens next?

  1. We will try to resolve your complaint the first time you contact us.

    If this is not possible we will refer your complaint to the relevant service area and aim to provide you an outcome within 10 days.

  2. If we need more time or information we will keep you informed throughout the process.

If you remain anonymous we will still investigate your complaint. However, we will not be able to follow up with you or provide an outcome.

What if you are not satisfied with our response?

You can request for your complaint to be reviewed if:

  • You are not happy with the action taken.
  • We have not been able to resolve your complaint in the first instance.

Our Complaints Policy outlines our approach to providing a fair and consistent process for managing complaints about an action, decision or service delivered by our staff, councillors, volunteers or contractors who work on our behalf.

  1. Assess and investigate

    Your complaint is reviewed and investigated, if required, by a more senior officer. They will provide you with an outcome within 10 business days.

  2. Internal review

    Request an internal review if you are dissatisfied with:

    • The outcome.
    • How we managed your complaint.

    The request for internal review must be received in writing.

    Complaints will be reviewed or investigated by an independent Group Manager, Director or the Chief Executive Officer.

    We will advise you about the outcome in writing within 28 days, or reach out if we need more information from you.

  3. External review

    If you are not satisfied with how we have resolved your complaint you can request an external agency review.

Request an external review

If you are not satisfied with how we have resolved your complaint, or at any stage throughout the process, your complaint can be reviewed externally.

You can refer your complaint to an outside agency such as the Victorian Ombudsman Service. Ph: 03 9613 6222.

Complaints Policy

Complaints Policy
Complaints Policy
268.72 KB

On this page


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      Information Privacy Policy
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    • Complaints Policy
      Complaints Policy
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    • Councillor Code of Conduct 2021-2024
      Councillor Code of Conduct 2021-2024
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