Art at The Old Shire Hall - Julian Bruere


Event details

The Old Shire Hall
673 Doncaster Road
Doncaster VIC 3108


Doncaster Templestowe Artist's Society is running a series of open days, featuring three different artists and mediums. 

The aim of the open days is to provide stimulation for the community, and artists in particular, to take heart and freely engage with fellow artists after so many lockdowns.

Julian Bruere demonstrating in watercolour

Julian Bruere in blue jacket and cap smiling at camera

Julian’s watercolour landscapes are widely acclaimed. Not only are they carefully composed and drawn, but their colour choices are well considered and there is the added dimension of texture that brings more interest and excitement to the painting.

After the demonstration, there will be a chance for participants to have their own work critiqued by the artist. Please bring along any works you would like Julian to comment on.

Bookings are essential and can be made by email to or by phoning Pam on 0438 450 519 or Sylvia on 0408 508 855.

For those who are not interested in participating but would like to observe the sessions, you are welcome to come along and watch from our upper gallery.

For more information, please visit Doncaster Templestowe Artists' Society. To see more of Julian's work, view his Facebook profile.

Getting There

Parking is available in Council Street at the Old Shire Hall, or along Doncaster Road.