Doncaster RSL Subbranch - Ladies day craft and morning tea

red poppies in a green field

Event details

Doncaster RSL Subbranch
Corner Doncaster Rd and Leeds St
Doncaster East VIC 3109


Come along and enjoy a delicious morning tea and help support our Remembrance Day displays.

The Doncaster RSL subbranch is hosting a craft and morning tea event to help create items for our Remembrance Day displays. 

This event is open to all people, not just RSL members. So bring a friend or neighbour and join together with the local community for some fun crafting activities. 

Wool and patterns for knitting and crochet will be provided, with more to take home.  Even if you don’t knit or crotchet, we also need help with sewing and a quilt project. 

Training is available for those who are new to crafting, or come and teach us if you have the skills.

A free Devonshire tea with fruit cake and refreshments will be provided.

Our Memorabilia room and separate library are great experiences. Come and see what we have done in the past and help us put together great items for future displays.

RSVP: by Sunday 11 July
Phone: Martha Clarke on 0408 316 935
Send a message via Facebook: RSL Doncaster Subbranch