Painting through Pain: A Creative Workshop for Endo Warriors

Event details

Ground Floor, MC Square
687 Doncaster Rd, Doncaster VIC 3108
VIC 3108

Contact information
Manningham Art Gallery

Jess is on a mission to create safe, supportive spaces for discussion and artistic expression for those experiencing endometriosis, adenomyosis, PCOS or chronic pain related to menstruation.

As an advisor for QENDO (Queensland Endo), she is a dedicated leader in the endometriosis community.

What will the workshop cover?

Jess will begin the workshop with a tour of her latest exhibition, Pain Pageant: A Visual Chronicle of Life with Endometriosis, currently showing at Manningham Art Gallery.

Participants will then move to Manningham Art Studios. Here, Jess will discuss how surrealist art can be used to explore the pain people experience, communicate invisible feelings with others, and contribute to personal healing.

Participants will have the opportunity to explore their own experiences. Jess will support and give creative direction to help participants shape a powerful visual representation of their pain through paint and college.

This workshop is designed to create a safe, inclusive, and creative space for those wanting to connect with others who have had similar health experiences. There will be a support person available during the workshop.

Who is it for?

Suitable for ages 16 years and up, and for people with lived experience of endometriosis, adenomyosis, PCOS or chronic pain related to menstruation.

No prior art skills are required.

Please note: For participants under 18 years of age, we require parental consent to attend this event. We will reach out to confirm prior to the event. 

Spaces are limited and bookings are essential.

Please get in touch if you have any accessibility requirements.