Smarter living - Plastic free July - Ways you can reduce waste

Image of reusable items for Plastic Free July

Event details

Via Zoom


Smarter living - Plastic free July – Ways you can reduce waste at home, work and school

Waste is something that everyone can reduce, and there are some simple changes you can make to create a difference. Whether you’re just beginning your journey to reducing waste, or wanting more information on how to take it to the next level.

Join Kirsty Bishop-Fox, a waste and sustainability expert, who will share tips and tricks to help you with your journey during Plastic Free July and beyond.

What we'll cover:

  • Why we should rethink waste
  • Simple single-use plastic switch outs
  • Removing single-use plastic from your home
  • Avoiding plastic at work, school and when out
  • The next level of avoiding plastics and waste. 

All registered participants will receive an email from us before the event date, with a zoom link for the event.