Manningham Links Road Improvement Strategy

The Manningham Link Road Improvement Strategy aims to guide priorities for the future development of the remaining partially constructed link roads across the municipality. It focuses on upgrading Manningham's road network to enhance safety, support sustainable transport, and improve connectivity. It prioritises road projects based on safety, capacity, and economic efficiency while advocating for state funding and minimising environmental impacts in sensitive areas.

Focus areas:

  • improving road safety
  • supporting sustainable transport options
  • improving connectivity between regional centers, local neighborhoods, and the Melbourne Central Business District
  • prioritising road projects that offer the greatest benefit to the community at the lowest cost
  • collaborating with state authorities to secure funding and support for essential road projects within the municipality​
  • minimising environmental impacts and supporting sustainable development practices​.
  • Manningham Links Road Improvement Strategy
    Manningham Links Road Improvement Strategy
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