Be Inspired – Women Inspiring Business Lunch with Moira Kelly

15 Sep 2016
Vibrant and Prosperous Economy

Manningham Council inivites all local women in business to a Women Inspiring Business Lunch on Thursday 6 October to hear from internationally renowned, inspirational guest speaker Moira Kelly.

The 2012 Australian of the Year, Moira Kelly is known for assisting children from disadvantaged countries to receive life saving surgeries, interventions and education.

An extraordinary Melbourne mum, Moira has four children, including Ahmed and Emmanuel from Iraq and Trishna and Krishna from Bangladesh.

Ahmed, now a Paralympian swimmer and Emmanuel, a 2011
X-Factor contestant, have overcome incredible disability and multiple surgeries; and Trishna and Krishna, born con-joined at the head in 2006, are famous the world over for surviving and thriving after their groundbreaking 38 hour surgery.

The third annual Women Inspiring Business Lunch provides an opportunity to network and share ideas, and aims to inspire local women in business to achieve their full potential.

Over a two course lunch, attendees will hear how Moira devotes her time to her children, spearheads the Global Gardens of Peace charity and motivates kindness and passion in the hearts of women in business.

With an inspirational outlook on life, Moira says “Never see a need without doing something about it .”

“Sometimes in life you have to do what's right and not what's popular,” she said.

Event details:

Women Inspiring Business Lunch
Date: Thursday 6 October
Time: 12 noon – 2.00 pm
Venue: Manningham Civic Centre, 699 Doncaster Road, Doncaster
Cost: $50, includes a two course lunch.

This event is proudly supported by event sponsors Silverstone Volvo and Bendigo Bank – Doncaster East and Templestowe Village branches; associate sponsors Manningham Business Network and MIA Consulting; and table sponsor Altair Restaurant.