Bright future ahead for baseball in Manningham

4 Jul 2024

Did you know baseball was first played in Doncaster East at Deep Creek Reserve in the early 1960s? 

Today, this is the location for the brand-new Deep Creek Pavilion, home to the Doncaster Baseball Club and Manningham’s large and enthusiastic baseball community.  

Upgrades to Deep Creek Pavilion and its grounds have been completed as part of our Active for Life Recreation Strategy 2010-2025 and Capital Works Program.

Improvements have transformed the facilities to make them more inclusive, sustainable, and accessible.  

Completed works include:

  • upgraded change rooms and amenities
  • a new social space and kiosk
  • improved storage and new umpire change rooms
  • energy efficient design features and solar PV systems 
  • use of eco-friendly, sustainable building materials
  • lifting and rebuilding two dug outs, with new flooring and furniture
  • new and upgraded seating for spectators 
  • drainage, irrigation, landscape and turf improvement works.

Manningham Mayor, Cr Carli Lange said this upgrade represents a significant addition to our local recreation infrastructure, providing modern and vibrant facilities for our community.

Thanks to everyone that contributed and worked together on this impressive project. The completed pavilion stands as a testament to what we can achieve when we work together with a shared vision. 

It is fantastic to imagine the exciting games and local events that will take place at Deep Creek Pavilion in the future. This facility will serve our community for many years to come. 

These upgrades represent the start of an exciting new chapter and a bright future for Doncaster Baseball Club, local schools, and the baseball community in Manningham.

This project was delivered by Manningham Council in partnership with the Victorian Government and the Doncaster Baseball Club.

Learn more about Doncaster Baseball Pavilion.