Celebrating National Tree Day at Ruffey Lake Park

10 Aug 2022
Resilient Environment

Our National Tree Day event was bigger than ever this year, with over 400 people turning up to Ruffey Lake Park to give a gift back to the environment.

“We normally see around 200 people at this event, so this year the event really exceeded our expectations. We were blown away by the turnout and thank every community member who came along to join the fun.”, says Mayor Cr Michelle Kleinert.

Our target of 1200 seedlings were planted along the Ruffey Lake corridor, all in around 1 hour and 45 minutes. These indigenous plants will play a critical role in restoring the park’s natural environment, building a healthy understory habitat for many smaller species, including lizards and skinks.

We're proud to host this annual event, and provide all our volunteers with the necessary tools, equipment, and plants they need. We acknowledge and thank everyone who came along, including the Rotary Club of Doncaster, who provided a free sausage sizzle.

“It’s a very wholesome event. It feels good to give back, get outside and be hands-on in the dirt! I think that’s why we always see such a diverse crowd; it’s an event that everyone can enjoy.”, says Michelle.

To find out more about National Tree Day, visit Planet Ark's website.