Media Release: Community celebration at Sharon Reserve in Doncaster

19 Aug 2016
Liveable Places and Spaces

Please note that this event has been postponed due to weather. The community celebration at Sharon Reserve will now be held on Tuesday 20 September, 4.00 pm - 5.00 pm.

Manningham Council completed an upgrade of Sharon Reserve in Doncaster earlier this year and is now inviting the community to a planting community event on Tuesday 13 September to celebrate.

Completed as part of the 2015/16 Neighbourhood Park Development Program, the upgrade included installing a new playground, landscaping, new seating and walking paths within the reserve.

The celebration event will include planting activities and provide an opportunity for the local community to enjoy the new park and playground.

The new playground includes a slide, swings, spinner, climbing hut and opportunities for nature play.

The new walking paths, including a new circuit path around the reserve provide a link to Chapel Court and the neighbouring retirement village.

Event details:

Please note that this event has been postponed due to weather. The community celebration at Sharon Reserve will now be held on Tuesday 20 September, 4.00 pm - 5.00 pm.

Date: Tuesday 13 September
Time: 4.00 pm – 5.30 pm
Location: Sharon Reserve, Sharon Street, Doncaster

Light refreshments will be provided.

Please bring gardening gloves, appropriate shoes and clothing for the weather on the day. Tools and equipment for planting, watering cans/buckets will be provided.

The upgrade was completed in June 2016 and followed consultation with the community in late 2015 on what they would like to see at this reserve in Doncaster.