Media Release: Have your say – Public Plaza design at Tunstall Square

15 Aug 2016
Vibrant and Prosperous Economy

Manningham Council is seeking feedback from the community and local traders on its proposed design for the new public plaza space at Tunstall Square in Doncaster East.

An action of the Tunstall Square Structure Plan 2015, the public plaza will be created by closing the road formerly known as Shaw Street. 

Council’s decision to officially close the road to create a public plaza area was made in May 2016 following extensive community consultation on the proposed closure. 

The proposed design includes a range of features such as:

  • New street trees and planting to enrich the space, create shade in summer and enhance existing trees within the space
  • Incorporating sculptural elements into the new space
  • A range of seating
  • A combination of bluestone paving and asphalt pavement surfaces.

The new space will increase pedestrian movement throughout the centre and provide opportunities for visitors to meet, congregate and hold community events.

The proposed design has been developed with the existing conditions of the space and requirements for drainage and electrical services and emergency vehicle access in mind.

The consultation closes on Monday 29 August.

Community drop in session

Community members and local traders are invited to a drop in session that will be held at Tunstall Square on Tuesday 23 August from 10.30 am to 1.30 pm.

Council officers will be available to answer any questions about what is being proposed for the public plaza.

The works will form part of stage three of the five stage upgrade of Tunstall Square and will start in late January 2017. It is expected to be completed in March 2017.

For more information, to view the design and have their say, community members are invited to visit