Notice of intention to lease part 2-14 Websters Road, Templestowe

15 Aug 2024
Well Governed Council Templestowe

Manningham City Council (Council) gives notice under section 115 of the Local Government Act 2020 of its intention to enter into a lease with unincorporated joint venture, comprising WeBuild S.p.A, GS Engineering & Construction Australia Pty Ltd, CPB Contractors Pty Ltd and China Construction Oceania Pty Ltd (D&C Contractor) trading as "SPARK NEL DC JV" (ABN 94 762 343 962) for part of the land known as 2-14 Websters Road, Templestowe.

The principal terms of the lease will be:

  • Three-year lease commencing on or following 1 October 2024
  • Two further terms of one year each
  • Commencing rent of $180,000 per annum plus GST 
  • Permitted use - use and development of the land for a store (truck staging and storage of materials for the North East Link Project construction activities)
  • Installation of fencing at the Tenant’s expense, to secure and separate to the remainder of the site (which is still in operation)
  • Obligations to comply with environmental law
  • Reinstatement of the land at the end of the lease to Council’s satisfaction; and
  • Compliance with the conditions of Planning Permit PLN24/0069.

In accordance with Council’s Community Engagement Policy, any person may make a submission on the proposed lease. 

Submissions must be in writing, addressed to the Corporate Counsel and must be submitted by no later than 5.00pm on 16 September 2024.

Submissions can be emailed to delivered to the Council Offices, 699 Doncaster Road, Doncaster or posted as follows:

Corporate Counsel
Manningham City Council
PO Box 1
Doncaster VIC 3108

A meeting will be established for any person requesting to be heard in support of their submission. They will be notified of the time and date of the meeting. The individual can be represented by a person acting on their behalf.


For more information or questions

Contact us on 9840 9333 or