Shopping Centre Improvement Plan aims to keep local centres thriving

27 Jun 2023
Liveable Places and Spaces Vibrant and Prosperous Economy Well Governed Council

Manningham Council has adopted the Vibrant Villages Action Plan 2023, which sets out our plan for the upgrade of public spaces in our local shopping centres.

This Action Plan identifies  shopping centres for a range of upgrades and improvements to make them more vibrant, with a focus on priorities over the next ten years.

These upgrades may include:

  • landscaping
  • outdoor seating
  • footpath improvements
  • outdoor tables
  • parklets
  • bicycle infrastructure
  • traffic improvements
  •  drainage improvements and water sensitive urban design,
  • carparking improvements
  • and structure planning.  

Manningham Mayor Cr Deirdre Diamante said Manningham’s activity centres provide an important role within the community.

“They offer shops, community facilities and services that meet the daily needs of local residents. They provide a place of employment for many. They also offer an opportunity for people to gather and interact, which is so important for community connection and a feeling of belonging.”

“Our centres need to be of a high standard to continue to draw people to them, which in turn benefits our local traders. They need to be safe, accessible and pleasant places to visit and shop.

That’s why this Vibrant Villages Plan is so important – it sets out a framework and plan for ensuring we can keep our centres across Manningham thriving to their full potential.”

Cr Diamante said small improvements to centres like seating, car parking, landscape, footpaths and lighting can impact the use, function and enjoyment of an activity centre.

“This Plan will help us make sure we manage the appearance and function of centres to meet the needs of our community both now and in the future.”

We will focus on:  

Neighbourhood Activity Centres:  (in no particular order)

  • Donburn
  • Jackson Court
  • Macedon Square (safety and amenity works only)
  • Templestowe Village

Local Activity Centres:

  • Mitcham Road, Donvale
  • Thompson Heights, Bulleen
  • Whittens Lane, Doncaster
  • Feathertop Avenue, Templestowe Lower
  • Bulleen Road, Bulleen
  • Village Avenue, Doncaster
  • Rosella Street, Doncaster East
  • Templestowe Road at Bridge Road, Bulleen
  • Chatsworth Quadrant, Templestowe Lower
  • JJ Tully Drive, Doncaster

Engagement with stakeholders will be undertaken at the time when individual Neighbourhood and Local Activity Centres are to be upgraded.

You can read the Vibrant Villages Plan on our website under Action Plans – Property and Development