Sporting clubs tackling the impact of gambling harm

26 Jun 2024
Healthy Community

UPDATED: Thursday 4 July 2024

This event has been cancelled. 

Youth gambling harm has become a significant issue, research indicates that it will get worse – unless something changes. 

Harm starts early

Alarmingly, one in five adults who suffer significant gambling harm start gambling before the age of eighteen. 

Research shows that in Victoria, young men between the ages of 18 to 24 years bet on sport more than any other age group. They make up a third of all sports gambling.

Young people are a vulnerable group and are particularly at risk

The earlier that a person starts gambling, the greater the risk for serious harm. 

Young people feel social pressure and want to be accepted.  Gambling, like vaping and underage drinking, can be perceived by young people as a normal. It can be considered a fun thing to do and something that everyone is doing.

Opportunities to gamble are easy to find, in social media, games, apps and advertising. Online forms of gambling are available 24/7, with the click of a button. 

How you can make a difference

You don’t need to be an expert about gambling harm to start a conversation about it.

Please join us for a forum designed for sporting club volunteers, coaches, players, parents, and anyone else associated to community sport in Manningham. 

Learn more about how to respond to these issues and support young people within your club community. 

Register now