We're crafting our new four year Council Plan and we want you to share your views with us

6 Jun 2024
Well Governed Council

We're crafting our new Council Plan that will last the next four years and we want you to share your views with us.

Your feedback will guide us on creating tailored services, activities and priorities that matter most to you.

If you work, live, study and/or play in Manningham, please share with us your ideas for the future of our City.

Complete the survey and win

The Plan Manningham 2025+ survey is your first step to have a direct say in shaping that future.

The survey takes just five minutes to complete and asks you to identify your top three priorities for Manningham over the next four years.

In addition to shaping the future of Manningham, participants who complete the survey with their contact details will be entered into a draw to win a $150 gift card.

Complete the survey


What are your priorities for Manningham?

Is it vibrant local businesses? Parks and recreation facilities? Sustainable infrastructure? Community safety?

By participating in the survey, you will help us focus on the issues that matter most to you.

Your responses will be used to inform the development of the Council Plan, ensuring it reflects your needs and aspirations.

For more information visit Your Say Manningham or complete a paper copy available at Manningham’s customer service and libraries.

The survey closes on Friday, 12 July 2024.