Youth Careers Expo: Do you have the Skills 4 the Future?

2 Oct 2018
Vibrant and Prosperous Economy

A world of opportunity is on offer for young people at this year’s Manningham Skills 4 the Future Careers Expo. 

Designed to improve access to local education and employment opportunities for young people, the Expo will run on Wednesday, 17 October at the Manningham Function Centre. 

Manningham Mayor Cr Andrew Conlon said the expo was an interactive career fair designed to increase the understanding of today’s job market for young people and their parents.  

“It will create greater understanding of how to better support and prepare young people to meet the ‘rising bar’ in a competitive workforce,” he said. 

YMCA Manningham Youth Services Manager Michael Colling said up to 20 exhibitors will be on hand to provide information and practical skills to young people on education and employment options. 

“It is an excellent opportunity for young people to network and explore local opportunities,” he said. 

VicHealth will also give a presentation on the changing nature of the employment environment for young people and the skills they require to succeed in the workplace. 

This is an initiative by YMCA Manningham Youth Services and Manningham Council.  

Date: Wednesday 17 October, 6.00pm to 9.00pm
Location: Manningham Function Centre, 699 Doncaster Road, Doncaster
Cost: Free (including light refreshments)
Registration and more information: