Showing Well Governed Council

Media Releases

generic images by stephanie gall
Manningham Council invites you to virtually attend the online inaugural Meeting of Council to swear in Councillors elect...
Well Governed Council
generic images by stephanie gall
Manningham Council CEO, Andrew Day welcomed the Victorian Government’s announcement to construct a new Park and Ride...
Well Governed Council
Group of ethnically diverse people
We’re excited to introduce Grant Finder. Our new platform connecting you with a wide range of grant and funding...
Well Governed Council
generic images by stephanie gall
This week we have all welcomed new easing of COVID-19 restrictions which has seen many local businesses reopen, more...
Well Governed Council
generic images by stephanie gall
A message from Manningham Council We have now moved to the Second Step of easing restrictions, in line with the...
Well Governed Council
News featured image
We’ve partnered with 15 South Eastern councils and the Metropolitan Waste and Resource Recovery Group (MWRRG) to seek...
Well Governed Council
generic images by stephanie gall
Remote learning and stay-at-home orders have given us the opportunity to complete necessary maintenance and upgrades to...
Well Governed Council
generic images by stephanie gall
This year has seen more emergencies than we are used to with fires, floods, storms and a global pandemic impacting our...
Well Governed Council
Jumping Creek Road construction works
The first stage of works on Jumping Creek Road are on target for completion in mid-September 2020 with the road opening...
Well Governed Council