Showing Well Governed Council

Media Releases

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With the festive season fast approaching, we have the opportunity to help families in our community who are experiencing...
Well Governed Council
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Fifty years ago, in 1969, our community was busy establishing new schools, community groups, sports clubs and more. As a...
Well Governed Council
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Manningham Council is reviewing the Planning Minister’s response to the Inquiry and Advisory Committee’s (IAC Panel)...
Well Governed Council
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The North East Link project (NELP) will lead a feasibility study of Council owned land at 2 – 14 Websters Road...
Well Governed Council
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Manningham’s new Mayor Cr Paul McLeish has been elected to lead the community over the next 12 months. Cr McLeish is a...
Well Governed Council
generic images by stephanie gall
Following a review of feedback received on the draft strategy, Council adopted the strategy has been updated to reflect...
Well Governed Council
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Manningham Council’s Manager Transformation, Fiona Park, has received a silver award in the Global Project Manager of...
Well Governed Council
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Bulleen Industrial Precinct One of the most devastating impacts of the North East Link project is the proposed loss of...
Well Governed Council
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Manningham Council has welcomed the proposed Doncaster Rail Station as part of the Victorian Government’s Suburban Rail...
Well Governed Council