Apply for an onsite detention system

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Read the information below before you apply

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What is onsite stormwater detention (OSD)?

If our existing drainage system can’t cope with an increase of runoff, an onsite drainage (OSD) system is a requirement of the planning process.

An OSD system helps retain stormwater onsite during heavy rainfall and releases water slowly through a constrained outlet. This limits peak discharge from the site.

Local developments that have the potential to increase stormwater runoff will generally need an OSD system.


How much does it cost?

The cost will be $571 to $1,298. We base our fees on the number of units or apartments proposed on the plan.

Extra costs apply if you need to make changes to your OSD plans. 

How to prepare your application

  1. Download the OSD Design checklist and OSD guidelines. 

    Manningham OSD design checklist
    Manningham OSD design checklist
    172.99 KB
    Manningham On-site Stormwater Detention (OSD) guidelines
    Manningham On-site Stormwater Detention (OSD) guidelines
    4.86 MB


  2. Make sure you complete the design checklist correctly and that it is signed before submitting your OSD plans or OSD amended design plans.

How to apply for OSD approval

Apply online by selecting 'Apply now' below.

Apply now


Make a change to your OSD plans

You will need to complete an OSD amendments application to make changes to existing engineering plans. You will need to complete the application for constructing an outfall drain and for general drainage works. You will also need to submit revised engineering plans for re-approval and we may need to reinspect the site.

The cost will be $324 to $893. We base our fees on the number of units or apartments proposed on the plan.

Apply for amendments to OSD

What happens next?

  1. We will notify you that we have received your application.

  2. We will send you an email once we have approved your plan. This can take between 4 to 12 weeks. We may ask for more information in the meantime.

  3. Once we have all the required information, we will assess your designs to check they are consistent with the legal point of discharge.

What you need to do after approval of your OSD plans

After receiving approval of an OSD system, you will also need approval to connect to our drains. The works and drainage permit is a requirement to connect into our drains and to do works on our road reserves or an easement.

Apply for a works and drainage permit


Get an inspection for your OSD system

Ask us to inspect your complete OSD system so you can be sure it complies with the approved designs.

Depending on the changes you need to make, we may charge you for another inspection.

We can only sign a Certificate of Occupancy after the OSD system passes inspection.


What if there is no Manningham drainage system servicing the property?

You can install drainage infrastructure to service your property.

Any stormwater management system shouldn’t cause adverse effects on nearby properties.

Contact us for advice.


How to cancel

Contact us to cancel your application.

On this page


    • Guidance for owners and occupiers of land with an OWMS ≤ 5000 litres on any day (EPA Victoria)
      Guidance for owners and occupiers of land with an OWMS ≤ 5000 litres on any day (EPA Victoria)
      146.61 KB
    • Manningham On-site Stormwater Detention (OSD) guidelines
      Manningham On-site Stormwater Detention (OSD) guidelines
      4.86 MB
    • Manningham OSD design checklist
      Manningham OSD design checklist
      172.99 KB
    • Manningham Council Standard Drawings
      Manningham Council Standard Drawings
      6.99 MB