Community stewardship

We encourage and support residents and local environmental groups become actively involved in protecting and caring for our natural environment and biodiversity.

Find out how you, your local school or community group, can participate.


How can I get involved?

Residents can sign up for the following programs and events.

Spring Outdoors Program 

Come along to one of the many Spring Outdoors events. In collaboration with Nillumbik and Banyule Councils, we offer over 50 programs each year, including sessions on local frog and bird species. 

Check our What's on event calendar each spring to find out what's happening near you.

Doncaster Hill Community Food Garden

Join the Doncaster Hill Community Food Garden. Help local volunteers grow fresh produce, most of which is donated to local charities and community food banks. 


Join your local Landcare group.

Guided walks

Join a guided walk through Manningham bushland and learn more about our unique biodiversity. Check our What's on event calendar to find upcoming walks.

Inspired Living Series

Come along to the Inspired Living Series. A range of sustainable activities and events for all ages, including keynote speaker events featuring a diverse line-up of local and international subject matter experts.

National Tree Day 

Plant some trees with us on National Tree Day. Check our What's on event calendar each July to find planting locations.

Solar Savers

Get free advice about energy saving and solar installation services via the Solar Savers Program. You can register for a free solar and/or battery quote and get access to state and local government rebates and subsidies. We also run regular Solar Savers information sessions.

Check the What's on event calendar for more details.

iNaturalist - City Nature Challenge 

Observe and document Manningham's natural environment as part of the iNaturalist - City Nature Challenge. During a four day observation period, residents are invited to find, photograph and document the native wildlife that lives and grows in our neighbourhoods. 

iNaturalist observations submitted are added to the global iNaturalist database and shared with the Atlas of Living Australia (ALA) and the Global Biodiversity Information Facility to help scientists find and use your data. All you have to do is observe. 

Aussie Backyard Bird Count

Sign up for the Aussie Backyard Bird Count, run each October by Birdlife Australia. You can join in on the fun and contribute with any birds you spot in Manningham by visiting Birdlife Australia.

Melbourne Water Frog Census

Get involved in local citizen science by recording frog species in Manningham with the Melbourne Water Frog Census App. An easy to use app to record audio and identify frog species by their call in local waterways, parks, and on your own property. 

More information is available at Melbourne Water.

Waterwatch program

Join Waterwatch and get involved in exploring and protecting our local waterways. Volunteers collect water quality data that contributes to scientific research, management planning and on ground actions that improve the health of our waterways. 

To sign up for Waterwatch, email

2020 Waterwatch Health Report
2020 Waterwatch Health Report
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How can my school get involved?

Schools can sign up for the following programs and events.

Eastern Alliance for Sustainable Learning

Manningham Council is a member of the Eastern Alliance for Sustainable Learning (EASL). EASL provides professional development, learning and networking opportunities for early years, primary and secondary schools. Events run throughout the year, including the Learning for Sustainability Conference held in March.

Register for the annual Learning for Sustainability Conference.

Resource Smart Schools Program

Get involved in the Resource Smart Schools Program run by EASL. The program can help your school embed sustainability into everything you do, including ways to promote biodiversity, minimise waste, save energy and water, and take action on climate change.

Sustainability and Environmental Education Program

Bring your students along for a day of discovery and education at Currawong Bush Park. In term two of each school year, we invite all Manningham schools to participate in our Sustainability and Environmental Education Program. The program is run by staff from the Manningham Environment team and is free of charge, including bus transport to and from your school.  

Lead to Sustain Conference

The Lead to Sustain Conference offers young people in our community the opportunity to learn how to lead the implementation of sustainable actions for the benefit of our local community. The conference includes activities dedicated to supporting biodiversity and ecology, saving water, reducing waste, recycling and reducing energy consumption.

For more information, contact the Environment team at or on 9840 9333.