Unfinished Business

Black and white image of a First Nations man. He stands shirtless against an empty sky, holding crutches and looking into the distance.
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Manningham Art Gallery
This exhibition is no longer showing in the Manningham Art Gallery.

The Unfinished Business exhibition reveals the stories of 30 First Nations people with disability.

Their deeply personal stories are complex and intertwined with Australia’s political and social history, which has resulted in today’s unacceptably high rates of disability in Australia’s First Nations communities. This was a collaborative project between participants and Artist and Social Documentarian, Belinda Mason Knierim OAM.

With thanks to Australian Museum for loaning Unfinished Business to Manningham.

Warning: First Nations Peoples should be aware that this exhibition contains images, voices, or names of deceased persons.

Image: Standing Tall, Uncle John Baxter, Latja Latja/Narungga man. Board Member Reconciliation Victoria and First Peoples Disability Network, Aboriginal Partnership Coordinator - Brotherhood of St Laurence / NDIS. Photo by Belinda Mason Knierim OAM from the series Unfinished Business. Image courtesy of the Artist.

Access symbols - wheelchair, service dogs and audio described




If you require access supports to attend this exhibition, please contact our Community Strengthening team on 9840 9333 or at manningham@manningham.vic.gov.au. Auslan interpreters should be booked as early as possible.