Templestowe Village Structure Plan

The Templestowe Village Structure Plan seeks to provide greater certainty for residents, businesses and landowners regarding the future planning and development of Templestowe Village up to the year 2030.  It will assist us in determining planning permit applications and planning scheme amendment requests. The Plan will also guide Council investment in streetscape, open space and community facility development within the area. 

Focus areas:

  • improving pedestrian and cycling infrastructure
  • future development in the commercial core
  • strategic redevelopment sites with considerations for built form, community facilities, and public amenities
  • business development to enhance existing services and promote appropriate redevelopment
  • housing opportunities and built form to encourage a mix of dwelling types and sustainable design
  • public environment and public realm improvements to create visually appealing and accessible spaces
  • public transport, traffic, and car parking enhancements to prioritize cycling, public transport, and safe traffic flow
  • promoting safe and attractive pedestrian and bicycle routes throughout the area. ​
  • Templestowe Village Structure Plan
    Templestowe Village Structure Plan
    6.11 MB