Media release: Draft Reconciliation Action Plan available

20 Jul 2022
Healthy Community

Manningham Council is seeking feedback from the community on its draft Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) 2022-2024, which outlines Council’s commitment to the reconciliation process.

The draft RAP will ensure that we continue to plan and create opportunities for First Nations peoples to make a culturally safe and thriving city.

Council's RAP will be measured against these aspects of reconciliation:

  • Relationships
  • Respect
  • Opportunities
  • Governance.

Our final RAP will be endorsed by Reconciliation Australia and requires a whole-organisation and community approach to achieve the plan’s purpose. The purpose of the plan is to explore, develop and embed strategies to advance reconciliation across Council’s workplace and the Manningham municipality.

Manningham Mayor, Cr Michelle Kleinert said that the RAP had been developed to further strengthen relationships between First Nations peoples and the general community.

“We are excited to continue our journey with the traditional owners of the lands and waterways that are now known as Manningham.”

The plan has been developed in partnership with the Manningham RAP Working Group, the Wurundjeri Woi-worrung Corporation, other First Nations people and Reconciliation Australia. The draft RAP is available for feedback until Sunday 31 July 2022.

For more information, visit