Media release - Manningham residents recognised on King's Birthday honour list

15 Jun 2023
Healthy Community

Two Manningham residents have been recognised for their service to the community in the King's Birthday 2023 honour list, with both being awarded a Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM).

The honour recognises Australians who have demonstrated outstanding service or exceptional achievement.

Manningham Councillor Michelle Kleinert, also a Templestowe resident, was acknowledged for her service to local government and the Melbourne community.

Cr Michelle Kleinert has been a Manningham councillor since 2012, serving as Mayor in 2016-17 and again in 2021-22. Cr Kleinert has also served as President and is currently the Executive Officer of the Australian Local Government Women's Association – Victorian Branch. Cr Kleinert is passionate about advocating on the issue of mental health and has been an Ambassador of the Mental Health Foundation Australia since 2020.

Dr Andrew Barling from Donvale was recognised for his service to community health. Dr Barling is a General Surgeon at Western Health and previously worked as the Acting Head of the Thoracic Surgery Unit. He has also done extensive work with charities supporting people with cancer. Dr Barling is the Founder and former Chair and Board Member of the OTIS Foundation, which runs breast cancer retreats, and was the former Chair of the Bendigo Relay for Life.

Manningham Mayor Cr Deirdre Diamante congratulated Cr Kleinert and Dr Barling for their award and years of service serving the community.

"It is so inspiring to see the impact that both Cr Kleinert and Dr Barling have made in their fields – their commitment is making a meaningful difference in the communities they serve.

They have made exceptional contributions in local government, community health and community wellbeing, and recognition at this level is a testament to their dedication over many years."