All permits and fees for property and development

Below is a list of many permits or services we provide when you are building, renovating or developing land along with their respective minimum fees. 

All prices correct as of 1 July 2024. This is subject to change.

If you are not exactly sure what you need then visit when do you need a permit or contact us to learn about how it works and what you can and cannot do. The list below is best suited for those who access these services regularly.

Planning fees


Application fees for a new Planning Permit under Section 47 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 (Regulation 9)


Permit type Cost

Class 1
Use only applications (eg: liquor licenses, car parking reductions etc)



Use and Develop Land for a Single Dwelling or Undertake Development Ancillary to the Use of Land for a Single Dwelling 

Permit type Cost

Class 2
Cost of Development - $0 to $10,000


Class 3
Cost of Development - $10,001 to $100,000


Class 4
Cost of Development - $100,001 to $500,000


Class 5
Cost of Development - $500,001 to $1,000,000


Class 6
Cost of Development - $1,000,001 to $2,000,000



VicSmart applications

Permit type Cost

Class 7
Cost of Development - $0 to $10,000


Class 8
Cost of Development - $10,001 plus


Class 9
To subdivide or consolidate land (refer to Vic Smart requirements in Planning Scheme)


Class 10
Other Vic Smart application types

(Other than a class 7, class 8 or class 9 permit)



Any other development 

Permit type Cost

Class 11
Cost of Development - $0 to $100,000


Class 12
Cost of Development - $100,001 to $1,000,000


Class 13
Cost of Development - $1,000,001 to $5,000,000


Class 14
Cost of Development - $5,000,001 to $15,000,000


Class 15
Cost of Development - $15,000,001 to $50,000,000


Class 16
Cost of Development - $50,000,001 plus



Remove, destroy or lop trees 

Permit type Cost

Class 10
1 tree only (Standard or VicSmart Application)


2 or more trees



Subdivision, boundary realignment, restrictions, easements and right of way 

Permit type Cost

Class 17
To subdivide an existing building

(other than a class 9 (Vic Smart) permit)


Class 18
To subdivide land into 2 lots

(other than a class 9 (Vic Smart) permit or class 17 permit)


Class 19
Realignment of a common boundary between lots or consolidate 2 or more lots

(other than a class 9 (Vic Smart) permit)


Class 20
Subdivide land

(other than a class 9 (Vic Smart), class 17, class 18 or class 19 permit)

$1,453.40 per 100 lots created

Class 21

  • create, vary or remove a restriction within the meaning of the Subdivision Act 1988; or
  • create or remove a right of way; or
  • create, vary or remove an easement other than a right of way; or
  • vary or remove a condition in the nature of an easement (other than right of way) in a Crown grant.



Other permit types

Permit type Cost

Class 22
A permit not otherwise provided for in the regulation


Combined permit applications

For combined permit applications, multiple fees are applicable and are calculated using the highest fee then 50 per cent of each of the other fees which would have applied if separate applications were made.

Amending an application after notice is given – Section 57A

Regulation 12

  • 40 per cent of the application fee for that class of permit as set out in the regulation; and
  • If the amendment has the effect of changing the class of permit and having a higher application fee set out in the table, the applicant must pay an additional fee being the difference of the original class of application and the amended class of permit.


Application fees to amend an existing permit under Section 72 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 (Regulation 11)

Amending the use, permit preamble or conditions of an existing permit

Permit type Cost

Class 1
Amendment to a permit to change the use of land allowed by the permit or allow a new use of land


Class 2
Amendment to a permit to change the permit preamble of what the permit allows or to change any or all of the conditions which apply to the permit.

(other than a permit to develop land for a single dwelling per lot or to use and develop land for a single dwelling per lot or to undertake development ancillary to the use of land for a single dwelling per lot)



Amending a permit for the use and develop land for a single dwelling or undertake development ancillary to the use of land for a single dwelling

Permit type Cost

Class 3
Cost of any additional development - $0 to $10,000


Class 4
Cost of any additional development - $10,001 to $100,000


Class 5
Cost of any additional development - $100,001 to $500,000


Class 6
Cost of any additional development - $500,001 plus



Amending a VicSmart application

Permit type Cost

Class 7
Cost of any additional development - $0 to $10,000


Class 8
Cost of any additional development - $10,001 plus


Class 9
To subdivide or consolidate land (refer to Vic Smart requirements in Planning Scheme)


Class 10
Other Vic Smart application types
(other than a class 7, class 8 or class 9 permit)



Amending any other development

Permit type Cost

Class 11
Cost of any additional development - $0 to $100,000


Class 12
Cost of any additional development - $100,001 to $1,000,000


Class 13
Cost of any additional development - $1,000,001 plus



Amending a permit to remove, destroy or lop trees

Permit type Cost

Class 10
1 tree only (Standard or VicSmart application)


2 or more trees



Amending a subdivision, boundary realignment, restrictions, easements and right of way

Permit type Cost

Class 14
To subdivide an existing building

(other than a Vic Smart permit)


Class 15
To subdivide land into 2 lots

(other than a Vic Smart permit or a class 14 amendment)


Class 16
Realignment of a common boundary between lots or consolidate 2 or more lots

(other than a Vic Smart permit)


Class 17
Subdivide land

(other than a Vic Smart permit or class 14, 15.16 amendment)

$1,453.40per 100 lots created

Class 18


  • create, vary or remove a restriction within the meaning of the Subdivision Act 1988; or
  • create or remove a right of way; or
  • create, vary or remove an easement other than a right of way; or
  • vary or remove a condition in the nature of an easement (other than right of way) in a Crown grant.



Amending other permit types

Permit type Cost

Class 19
A permit not otherwise provided for in the regulation


Amending an application after notice is given – Section 57A

Regulation 12

  • 40 per cent of the application fee for that class of permit as set out in the regulation; and
  • If the amendment has the effect of changing the class of permit and having a higher application fee set out in the table, the applicant must pay an additional fee being the difference of the original class of application and the amended class of permit.



Fees in accordance with the subdivision (fees) Regulations 2016

Service type Cost

For certification of a plan of subdivision


Alteration of plan under section 10(2) of the Act


Amendment of certified plan under section 11(1) of the Act


Checking of engineering plans

0.75 per cent of the estimated cost of construction of the works proposed in the engineering plan (maximum fee)

Engineering plan prepared by council

3.5 per cent of the cost of works proposed in the engineering plan (maximum fee)

Supervision of works

2.5 per cent of the estimated cost of construction of the works (maximum fee)


Section 173 Agreements

Agreement services Cost

Council to prepare an agreement on your behalf and lodge at Titles Office


Review of a pre-prepared agreement by another party and lodgement at Titles Office


Lodgement of a Section 173 Agreement at the Titles Office of Agreement prepared by Council before 1 July 2019


Regulation 16 

To amend or end an agreement under section 173 of the Act



To the satisfaction of the responsible authority


Regulation 18
Where a planning scheme specifies that a matter must be done to the satisfaction of a responsible authority, Minister, public authority or municipal council



Pre-application meeting and enquiries

Request type Cost

Planning property enquiries (written confirmation of whether a planning is required/permit requirements)


Pre-application meeting request



Council to prepare and carry out public notice of a planning application

Notice type Cost

Letters only – up to 10 properties


Letters and signs – up to 10 properties plus the erection of up to 2 signs


Each additional letter (where notice is required to more than 10 properties)


Each additional sign (where more than 2 signs are required)



Secondary consent changes to a plan

Amendment type Cost

Amendment is to a VicSmart Permit, or associated with a single dwelling application with an additional development cost under $10,000


Amendment to a single dwelling, with an additional development cost between $10,000 and $100,000


All other requests, including amendments to multiple dwellings with a development, or non-residential permits



Review of submitted plans and documents

Permit type Cost

Assessment of plans for endorsement under Condition 1 of Permit

First assessment free, fee payable for review of each subsequent submission.

$173.00 per submission

Review and endorsement of Construction Management Plans using Council's template



Extension of time to a permit


Request for an extension of time to a permit



Copy of planning permit and plans

Permit type Cost

Digital copies of Planning Permits and Approved plans per application (if digital copies are not available, a file retrieval fee will also be applied)


File retrieval and scanning for applications not stored on site (may be required for permits issued prior to 1 July 2017)



Landscape bond

Permit type Cost

A landscape bond will be charged and held by Council until the completion of a development as per a Condition of a planning permit. (Landscape bonds are no longer being requested by Council. If Council is currently holding a bond, please refer to this page for details on requesting a refund)


Building and construction fees


Permit type Cost



$320.20 per regulation application

$87.20 for pools or spas built before 1 November 2020

$35.10  for new pools or spas built after 1 November 2020


No fee from us

$52.10 per statement



In need of house plans or a copy of old permits for a property?

Visit request official property information

Infrastructure and drainage fees


Permit type Cost



2 - 3 units

4 - 20 units

20 - plus units


$571 per new application
$324 per amendment

$913 per new application
$570.90 per amendment

$1,298 per new application
$893 per amendment


Value of works less than $1M

Value of works equal & greater of $1M



Range $621 - $20,000

Minimum charge is $200 and capped at $422 per week

Fees calculated on value of works





Septic tank and waste management fees


Permit type Cost

View fees and charges

Skip-bin permit 

Annual: $784.60
Single use: $130.00

Shipping container permit


Road closures and access through council-owned land


Permit type Cost


Temporary parking signs (each)


Access across reserves permit


Plus a refundable security deposit.


Business-related permits

View all permits and fees for businesses


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