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Manningham Council is investing in an exciting multi-purpose community indoor sports facility over the next two years...
Well Governed Council
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Major road work is being finalised on local arterial roads in Wonga Park to increase safety and cope with an increasing...
Well Governed Council
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Have you ever seen beer can juggling? Aerial keg tricks? A three meter high handstand?
Liveable Places and Spaces
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Manningham Council is inviting community members to participate in the annual Understanding our Community Survey which...
Well Governed Council
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Manningham Council is reviewing its 2003 Domeney Reserve Management Plan and is inviting comments from the community on...
Liveable Places and Spaces
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Manningham Council has developed a draft management plan to guide the future use, development and management of Koonung...
Liveable Places and Spaces
Try playing some joyous drum rhythms, sing an uplifting chant, or just groove along to the African beats with Valanga...
Healthy Community
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Manningham Mayor Cr Jennifer Yang has been appointed to the 2016 Local Government Mayoral Advisory Panel (LGMAP). Cr...
Well Governed Council
Cultural Diversity Week, celebrated in Victoria from Saturday 12 – Sunday 20 March, brings people from all walks of life...
Healthy Community
Newly planted tree and playground
Allara Reserve